De Kn@ppe Ontdekker
STEM af op je toekomst
Sciences, Technology, Engeneering & Mathematics zijn de sleutels voor de toekomst.
Why choose us
Our Core Values
With kindori, we always put the quality of teaching children first, please rest assured when sending children at kindori kindergarten.

Learn And Play
With the criteria of playing and learning together, children will have a comfortable.

Nutritious Meal
Children's meals need to be provided with all the nutrients necessary for a day of play.

Great Teachers
Experienced and dedicated teachers team will help your child develop more in all aspects.

Cute Enironment
The colorful environment at Kindori is suitable for children 's age, making them more accessible.

Guiding The Young Generation To Success.
Operating since 1996, Kindori Kindergarten provides quality early childhood education through its three year old and four year old group kindergarten programs. Our primary focus is the wellbeing of every child. We provide our children the attention they need to grow and develop into happy, healthy people and be confident for school.
Our Vision
We acknowledge that all members of our community including children, families and teachers have rights and all interactions.
Our Mission
Kindori Kindergarten is a vibrant learning community where families, staff and The University of Queensland work together.

Why choose us
Our Core Values
With kindori, we always put the quality of teaching children first, please rest assured when sending children at kindori kindergarten.

Creative Activites
Creative activities help children develop comprehensively intelligence, help children.

Sport Activites
Creative activities help children develop comprehensively intelligence, help children.

Table/Floor Toys
Creative activities help children develop comprehensively intelligence, help children.

Water Games
Creative activities help children develop comprehensively intelligence, help children.

our program

Smarty Programs
Dear parents, we would like to thank you for choosing the Kindori Preschool System in the process of considering and planning your children's..
Although the first school is a lot of surprises, it is the first step for a comprehensive development in all aspects. By creating a safe, consistent and welcoming environment, we help Our school follows the guidelines of the local school district.
Although the first school is a lot of surprises, it is the first step for a comprehensive development in all aspects. By creating a safe, consistent and welcoming environment, we help Our school follows the guidelines of the local school district.
Although the first school is a lot of surprises, it is the first step for a comprehensive development in all aspects. By creating a safe, consistent and welcoming environment, we help Our school follows the guidelines of the local school district.
Although the first school is a lot of surprises, it is the first step for a comprehensive development in all aspects. By creating a safe, consistent and welcoming environment, we help Our school follows the guidelines of the local school district.
About the Teachers
Our Teachers
We have an excellent teacher to child ratio at our Kindergarten to ensure that each child receives the attention he or she needs.

Wat ouders van ons vinden

Moira Migaleddu
Ben blij met het nieuwe concept. Bij techniek leren zelfs de allerkleinsten leuke dingen maken. Toffe school, toffe leerkrachten en mijn zoontje gaat super graag naar school!
Sonsuzadek Yusuf Enes Mertali
Hele Fijne school
Mijn kinderen gaan heel graag naar school.
Super tevreden
Tessa Put mama van Matthys 1ste leerjaar
Mijn zoontje is in oktober gestart in het eerste leerjaar. Wij zijn verhuisd van Mol naar Maasmechelen, wat dus al een hele aanpassing was voor hem. De Knappe Ontdekker heeft Matthys met open armen ontvangen en bijgebeend wat hij achter stond. Matthys gaat ook heel erg graag naar school, wat op zijn oude school minder was (daar zaten ze met 25 in 1 klas). Ik als mama ben heel blij met de overstap en Matthys is er super gelukkig. Dank u voor de goede zorgen.
Viola Furleo mama van Finn 1ste leerjaar
Enkele jaren geleden is Finn van een andere school naar hier gekomen. Wat een verademing! Hij wordt iedere ochtend vrolijk wakker, uitkijkend naar een nieuwe schooldag. De leerkrachten maken tijd voor de kinderen en de ouders worden overal goed bij betrokken. Dit is een school waar je kind zich thuis voelt. Een school waar hun talenten zich mogen ontplooien en waar iedereen een warm hart draagt.
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